Détails de la consultation

10/03/2025 10:00 Marché public simplifié DUME défini par l'acheteur
IT Software resellers for the Supply of IT standard Software and related Services
The scope of the IT Software Resellers Framework Agreement (the Deliverables) is the acquisition by the Participating Institutions of IT standard Software products and related Services. The scope includes: • Licenses for on premise standard Software or for standard Software hosted by a third party, on perpetual or subscription basis, as well as maintenance and support services for new and existing standard and for pre-existing tailor made software; • Licences for software including data subscriptions and data provisions; • Use rights for SaaS , PaaS (with compulsory security evaluation); • Technical Consultancy Services; typically to assist with the deployment and configuration of a software solution or to assist in its redesign and redeployment (i.e. in the context of a migration to new major releases) and on-site support or installation services related to acquired software including knowledge transfer and training ; • Software Asset Management (SAM) and comprehensive license management services (audit and investigative support, financing support, support to provide the best and most cost effective solutions) ; • Software related advice services ; • Web-based marketplace platform dedicated to ordering (Catalogue, Requests for Proposals, Ordering) ; • Contract management, implementation and monitoring requirements; • Solution and professional services from the suppliers required in case of cybersecurity implementations; including incident response services; • Advisory services on the scope of the products/services under the Framework Agreement. • Use rights for learning management solutions (LMS) - Software application designed to facilitate the creation, delivery, tracking and management of learning contents and resources;

    • Portail des marchés publics
    • PMP.LU / E BCL / ACHAT - Centrale d'Achats
    • Avis de marché
    • 10 européenne ouverte
    • Fournitures
    • -
    • (Code principal)
Modalités de retrait du dossier :
The tender documentation is available through the Luxembourgish "Portail des marchés publics"
Lieu d'ouverture des offres ou de remise des candidatures :
Variante :

Téléchargement du Dossier de Consultation des Entreprises

Vous avez demandé de télécharger le Dossier de soumission de la consultation référencée ci-dessus.
En cas de modification de la consultation, nous devons être en mesure de vous contacter pour vous transmettre les éléments actualisés.

Attention : Les informations que vous allez saisir sont importantes.
Elles vous permettront tout au long de la procédure de recevoir les informations relatives à la procédure : modifications de dates, rectificatifs/compléments au Dossier de soumission, etc..

Mes coordonnées

NOM * :
Prénom * :
Adresse électronique * :
Raison sociale :


Adresse :
Adresse (suite) :
Téléphone :
( 6 chiffres au minimum sans espace. Ex : +352234353 ou 212356 )
Code postal :
Ville :
Fax :
( 6 chiffres au minimum sans espace. Ex : +352234353 ou 212356 )