Détails de la consultation

10/10/2024 11:00 Marché public simplifié
ESPON Mapping Mediterranean Cooperation Networks and Governance - MedCoopNet
The Targeted Analysis will contribute to understanding the Mediterranean emerging geography in terms of its delineations, functional and cooperation arrangements, involved actors and coherence with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), providing evidence to inform new governance mechanisms and consolidate the existing ones. Specifically, the Targeted Analysis aims to provide evidence on cooperation dynamics, their spatial and thematic distribution; their spatial and thematic overlaps and potential spatial and thematic gaps; their institutional and funding foundations and their effects on sustainable development in the functional area.

    • Portail des marchés publics
    • PMP.LU / O GECT - Groupement européen de coopération territoriale "ESPON"
    • Avis de marché
    • 10 européenne ouverte
    • Services
    • -
    • (Code principal)
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