Détails de la consultation

31/07/2024 16:00 Marché public simplifié
Awarding of a financial consultancy services mandate
The purpose of this tender is the provision of financial consultancy services on behalf of Fonds de compensation commun au régime général de pension (the FDC) and its umbrella investment company with variable capital – specialised investment fund (set up in accordance with the amended law of 13 February 2007 on specialised investment funds) being the Fonds de Compensation de la Sécurité Sociale, SICAV-FIS (the SICAV). More precisely, the tender is related to financial consultancy services for the following services: investment strategy review, advise and support on tenders for the selection of financial service providers as well as investment controlling and consulting. The term of the mandate shall be three (3) consecutive years with the possibility of renewal from year to year except in the event of early termination by the FDC and/or the SICAV or the awarded tenderer by means of a three months’ notice. The maximum duration of the mandate shall be ten (10) years. Proposals will be selected on the basis of the economically most advantageous proposal. The detailed selection and evaluation criteria of proposals, the main stages of this tender as well as any other terms and conditions relating to this tender are specified in the Tendering Procedure and Guidelines, which can be downloaded from the Luxembourgish public procurement portal (www.marches-publics.lu).

    • Portail des marchés publics
    • Avis de marché
    • 10 européenne ouverte
    • Services
    • -
    • (Code principal)
The minimum requirements for participation in the tender are specified under section 2.9 of the Tendering Procedure and Guidelines.
Modalités de retrait du dossier :
Tender documents are available for download on the Luxembourgish public procurement portal, with the exception of the Questionnaire (Appendix 1). For reasons of confidentiality of the information made available through this document, given document must be requested separately by any interested consultancy company via the public procurement portal, attaching the duly completed template for requesting the tender questionnaire (Appendix 5), which is part of the downloadable tender documents. The detailed procedure for downloading and requesting all tender documents is specified in the Tendering Procedure and Guidelines.
Lieu d'ouverture des offres ou de remise des candidatures :
Variante :

Téléchargement du Dossier de Consultation des Entreprises

Vous avez demandé de télécharger le Dossier de soumission de la consultation référencée ci-dessus.
En cas de modification de la consultation, nous devons être en mesure de vous contacter pour vous transmettre les éléments actualisés.

Attention : Les informations que vous allez saisir sont importantes.
Elles vous permettront tout au long de la procédure de recevoir les informations relatives à la procédure : modifications de dates, rectificatifs/compléments au Dossier de soumission, etc..

Mes coordonnées

NOM * :
Prénom * :
Adresse électronique * :
Raison sociale :


Adresse :
Adresse (suite) :
Téléphone :
( 6 chiffres au minimum sans espace. Ex : +352234353 ou 212356 )
Code postal :
Ville :
Fax :
( 6 chiffres au minimum sans espace. Ex : +352234353 ou 212356 )