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13/12/2017 16:00 Marché public simplifié
Project Competition "Extension Building Centre Hospitalier Kirchberg"
A single-stage project competition with preselection of the candidates for the planning and construction of a hospital extension on the current location of the Hôpital Kirchberg (Luxembourg) with surfaces for geriatrics, ophthalmology, dialysis and a patient hotel.

    • Portail des marchés publics
    • PMP.LU / O HRS - Hôpitaux Robert Schuman S.A
    • Avis de marché
    • 41 concours restreint
    • Services
    • -
    • (Code principal)
In order to take account of the increasing number of activities, due to the phase-wise integration of the Clinique Ste Marie into the Hôpital Kirchberg, the client plans an expansion of his building stock. For this purpose, the building owner has the current area of the administrative parking space available, which can be overbuilt with 15-16 floors. According to the current regulations, this extension includes areas for ophthalmology, dialysis and geriatrics, which fit perfectly into the supply environment of the Hôpital Kirchberg. In addition, the client intends to plan and construct a patient hotel in the upper floors of the extension building, which, however, can also be operated conventionally. In the sense of a sustainable planning of the extension potential of the Hôpital Kirchberg, the project also includes a study of an additional extension area on the property, which is to be in line with the extension building and the current buildings from an urbanistic point of view. The required usable area (area without construction and traffic areas) of the planned expansion is around 17.000 m2. Therefore, the FHRS is organizing a one-stage project competition with pre-selection of the candidates. The general information on the rules of competition (procedure) can be found in the competition program (Document 1), which is available on the project server (www.fhrs.lu; competition; login). In summary, the following procedure applies: 1) Application: The application for participation in the project contest is open to all architectural offices with a right to participate (see Document 1: Competition program). Applications for participation in the project competition will be done by sending or delivering all the documents mentioned in chapter 6.1.1 of the competition program, to the bailiff. 2) Project competition: The architects approved for the project competition need to compile a planning team which, in addition to the architectural office, has the following members: Engineering office for structural engineering Engineering office for technical engineering (including medical engineering planning) At the beginning of the project competition, a obligatory visit of the project-site will take place. After submitting the competition project in scale 1: 200, the jury will make a final ranking of the contest entries on the basis of the assessment criteria defined in the competition program. The anonymity of the contestants is granted up to the final decision of the jury about the winning project. A total of 170,000 (excluding VAT) is available to the jury for remuneration and awarding. All participants in the competition (expected to have 4-6 participants), who have submitted a full project in due time, will be compensated for a total attendance fee of 100,000 (i.e. 16.666 25.000 per participant). The allocation of the prize money is as follows: 1st prize 40,000 2nd prize 20,000 3rd Price 10,000 The jury reserves the right to change this distribution. Composition of the jury: 1.Jean-Louis Schiltz 2.François Pauly 3.Michel Wurth 4.Christian Oberlé 5.Dr. Claude Schummer 6.Erna Hennicot-Schoepges 7.Patrick Gillen 8.Sonja Gengler 9.Diane Heirend 10.Bart Lootsma 11.Nadine Glasow 12.Frank Reuther 13.Christoph Butscher
The detailed preselection criteria will be found in the competition program. The application for the pre-selection is open to all architecture offices, which have a residential and business location in Luxembourg, the EU or Switzerland. The qualification for the pursuit of the profession is to be demonstrated by the entry in the commercial register and a building permit right (or equivalent) in Luxembourg needs to be ensured. The proof of this last one is to be provided before any commissioning.
During the first competition stage, a project site visit will take place on 14.02.2018, which is obligatory for all the competition participants. The time and place will be communicated.
Modalités de retrait du dossier :
Specifications and additional documents can be obtained at the project server: www.fhrs.lu; competition; login
Lieu d'ouverture des offres ou de remise des candidatures :
Variante :
Tester ma configuration Consultation de test
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